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Declaration of Local Emergency - Drought Conditions

This Alert #98 was posted 10/23/2024

Declaration of Local Emergency - Drought Conditions

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  1. Pursuant to the provisions of l.c. 510-14-3-29, a state of emergency exists in the Town of Lapel, and that we hereby invoke and declare those portions of the Indiana Code which apply to the conditions and have caused the issuance of this declaration to be in full force and effect in the Town for the exercise of all necessary emergency authority for the protection of the lives and property of the people of the Town of Lapel.
  2. Effective immediately, the following activities are prohibited in the Town of Lapel:
    1. Campfires and other recreational fires, unless enclosed in a fire ring with dimensions of 23 inches in diameter, 6 inches high or larger;
    2. Open burning of any kind using conventional fuel such as wood, or other combustible matter, except for grills fueled by charcoal briquettes or propane;
    3. The burning of debris, such as timber or vegetation, including but not limited to such debris that results from building construction activities and/or windstorm debris; and
    4. The use of burn barrels for any open burning at residential st-uctures.
  3. Charcoal from permitted grills shall not be removed from the grills until the charcoal has been thoroughly extinguished.
  4. Reference is hereby made to all appropriate laws, statutes, ordinances, and resolutions, particularly to Section 10-14-3-29 of the Indiana Code.
  5. All public offices and employees of the Town of Lapel are hereby directed to exercise the utmost diligence in the discharge of duties required of them or the duration of the emergency and in the execution of emergency laws, regulations, and directives whether state or local.
  6. All residents are called upon and directed to comply with necessary emergency measures, to cooperate with public officials and disaster services in executing emergency operations plans, and to obey and comply with the lawful directions of properly identified officers.
  7. This burn ban shall be in force immediately and will remain in force until rescinded by the Town Council President.

This Emergency Declaration shall be promptly filed in the Office of the Lapel Clerk Treasurer, posted in various locations throughout the County, and provided to the local news media.

Click here to view the FULL DECLARATION

Text Message

State of Emergency due to Drought Conditions
