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January 2021 Newsletter

This Newsletter #33 was posted 12/29/2020

January 2021 Newsletter


The Town’s last comprehensive plan was done in 2009, and let’s face it, A LOT has changed since then. We are currently working on updating it, and we need YOUR help. Please attend the public engagement meetings over the next three months, follow the Lapel comprehensive plan Facebook page, and share your thoughts/opinions on how you would like to see the Town develop, or what you would like to see stay away from the Town. Please go to the following link to fill out a quick survey regarding the Comprehensive Plan:


In December the Town found out we were awarded a $700,000 grant from OCRA to help with our $4 million water project this year. This project will replace some existing water lines, and make updates to the water plant, water tower, and water wells around town. The Town also received the Community Crossings Match Grant for $699,438.97 to help pave just under 3 miles worth of road. The roads include: CR 200 S, Vine Street, 10th Street, Ash Way, Beechwood Drive, Briar Drive, Oakmont Drive, CR 950 W, CR 500 S.

"Happy New Year" - Lapel Town Staff


You may drop off your REAL Christmas tree behind the Lapel Water Tower for the Utility crew to put through the wood chipper. The last day to drop off is Feb. 28, 2021.


Jan. 1st – Office Closed

Jan. 6th – Trash & Recycle

Jan. 7th – Public Engagement for Comp Plan 7pm @ Lapel Eagles & Virtual

Jan. 11th – Park Board meeting 6pm @ Town Hall

Jan. 13th – Regular Trash

Jan. 14th – Planning Commission meeting 6pm @ Lapel Eagles

Jan. 18th – Utility bills dues; BZA meeting 7pm @ Lapel Eagles

Jan. 20th – Trash & Recycle

Jan. 21st – Council meeting 7pm @ Lapel Eagles

Jan. 26th – Disconnect for unpaid utility bills

Jan. 27th – Regular Trash
